
Facts of Reisman v. AFUM

Reisman v. AFUM | Timeline of the Case

Current Status
On October 5, 2020, cert was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court. Case number 19-847.

Originally Filed
August 10, 2018

Original Court
United States District Court for the District of Maine

Jonathan Reisman, associate professor of economics and public policy at the University of Maine at Machias, who served as the Associated Faculties of the Universities of Maine’s (AFUM) grievance officer for the Machias campus.

Lawyers on the Case
Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer, The Buckeye Institute
Andrew M. Grossman, partner, BakerHostetler in Washington, D.C., and counsel of record

Key Question in the Case
If it violates the First Amendment to compel financial support for union advocacy, as the court ruled in Janus v. AFSCME, can states appoint a labor union to represent and speak for these same public employees?

Media Contact
Lisa A. Gates, vice president of communications, The Buckeye Institute
Direct: (614) 224-3255 or Lisa@BuckeyeInstitute.org