
Buckeye Institute Statement on April’s Revenue Shortfall

May 03, 2017

Columbus, OH – “Today’s distressing revenue numbers show that the need for Ohio to cut spending has grown. The Buckeye Institute continues to offer our 2017 Piglet Book as a roadmap for the Ohio Senate to find additional savings.

“The continuing revenue problems should make clear just how much Ohio must do to turbo-charge its economy through further tax, labor, and regulatory reform. It is not the time to turn back previous reforms, to delay future reforms, or to raid the ‘Rainy Day Fund.’ It’s time to grow the economy faster.

“Finally, this shows the wisdom of the Ohio House to tackle the Pac-Man of the state budget, Medicaid, through spending guardrails and creative policies like ‘Healthy Ohio’ and the state innovation waiver. Together these can transform the state health climate while getting a grip on spending. There is more work to be done in this area, but make no mistake, a failure to reform here means the red ink will grow deeper and drown Ohio’s hopes for a brighter future.”

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